Islam: 12 Islamic Silver Coin Deluxe Box Set with Certificate of Authenticity. In 610, a pivotal moment unfolded when the archangel Gabriel manifested before a prosperous businessman residing in the thriving town of Mecca. The celestial directive given to this man, named Muhammed, was profound: to recite in the name of God. Responding to the angel's command, Muhammed disseminated the divine message to all within his reach, marking the inception of Islam.
What ensued over the next fourteen centuries was a complex tapestry of human history - a saga that included bloody conquests, the ebb and flow of empires, the blossoming of brilliant scholarship, the emergence of vibrant art forms characterized by vivid colors and mathematical intricacies, and an ongoing evolution of philosophies, theologies, and culture. In essence, Muhammed's visionary experience in a cave catalyzed a rare and monumental event in human history: the birth of a civilization. Islamic civilization, spanning almost a millennium and a half - three times the duration of the Roman Empire - has been an endless reservoir of artistic expression, intellectual inquiry, poetic brilliance, and scientific progress. From the grand caliphates, exemplified by the Abbasid empire, to smaller yet impactful dynasties like the Almohads in Spain, the Eretnids in Turkey, and the Ghaznavids in India, to the architects of the modern world, including the Ottomans and the Qajars, Islam shaped vast regions of central Asia, northern Africa, and much of India. The influence of Islamic civilization extended to every point where these regions intersected - from the Abbasid and Almohad to the Artuqid and Ghaznavid, from the Ertid to the Ottoman, Rassoulid, Safavid, Qajar, and Mamluk dynasties, leaving an indelible mark on the course of world history.Stock Photos Used - Certificate Number Will Vary.